обл.KharkivAvenue Yuvileinyinumber 49/8

Avenue Yuvileinyi, 49/8 in Kharkiv

Kharkiv, Avenue Yuvileinyi, 49/8
49.998329 36.329784

businesses by address Avenue Yuvileinyi, 49/8 in Kharkiv

Shoe repair atelier

Clothing repair atelier

Vape shops - Electronic cigarettes

Money transfers

Commission shops

Photo & copy center

Furniture stores

Sanitary engineering shop

Shop stockings and tights

Custom-made furniture

Vegetable shop

Smartphones repair

Glass, glass products

Tobacco products wholesale

Flower shops

In the building with the address Avenue Yuvileinyi, 49/8, according to our data, are located and provide services 52 companies, among which: Atelier, Shoe repair atelier, Clothing repair atelier, Library, Bakeries, Vape shops - Electronic cigarettes, Money transfers, Leisure Club, Commission shops, Internet cafe and other.

  • In which district city of Kharkiv is the building at Avenue Yuvileinyi, 49/8?

    Building with the address Avenue Yuvileinyi, 49/8 located in Saltivskyi district (ex. Moskovskyi) city of Kharkiv.

  • What is the closest subway station to the building at Avenue Yuvileinyi, 49/8 city of Kharkiv?

    Nearest subway station to address Avenue Yuvileinyi, 49/8 is Akademika Pavlova, which is located at a distance of about 1500 meters.