обл.KharkivStreet Svobodynumber 8

Street Svobody, 8 in Kharkiv

Kharkiv, Street Svobody, 8
Universytet 640 м,
Hosprom 990 м,
Pushkinska 1200 м
50.003401 36.237832

businesses by address Street Svobody, 8 in Kharkiv


Money transfers

Food shops

In the building with the address Street Svobody, 8 in in city Kharkiv, according to our data, are located and provide services six companies, among which: Pharmacy, Money transfers, Food shops, Supermarket and other.

  • In which district city of Kharkiv is the building at Street Svobody, 8?

    Building with the address Street Svobody, 8 located in Kyivskyi district city of Kharkiv.

  • What is the closest subway station to the building at Street Svobody, 8 city of Kharkiv?

    Nearest subway station to address Street Svobody, 8 is Universytet (640 м), Arkhitektora Beketova (650 м), Hosprom (990 м), Pushkinska (1200 м).