Street Yevgena Sverstuka, 11а in Kyiv

Kyiv, Street Yevgena Sverstuka, 11а
Livoberezhna 450 м
50.449036 30.600832

businesses by address Street Yevgena Sverstuka, 11а in Kyiv

Automation of workflow

Automation of production

Autoexamination, car evaluation

Real estate agencies

Household chemicals wholesale

Baby products wholesale

Interior design

Rail and air tickets

Spare parts for motorcycles

Manufacture of seals and stamps

Apartments for daily rent

Foreign language courses

Logistics company

Furniture stores

Marketing agencies

Medical products and supplies

Medical equipment, medical equipment

Dairy products wholesale

Study abroad

Organization of conferences and seminars

Assistance in obtaining visas and international passports

Sale and repair of buses

Enterprises кegistration and liquidation

Agricultural machinery

System integration

Insurance companies

Graphic design studios

Design studios

Trading and purchasing company

Tour agencies

Electronic devices and components

Elite real estate

In the building with the address Street Yevgena Sverstuka, 11а, according to our data, are located and provide services 137 companies, among which: IT companies, Automation of workflow, Automation of production, Road haulage, Autoexamination, car evaluation, Real estate agencies, Attorneys at law, Associations and industrial unions, Auditing Companies, Outsourcing and other.

  • In which district city of Kyiv is the building at Street Yevgena Sverstuka, 11а?

    Building with the address Street Yevgena Sverstuka, 11а located in Dniprovskyi district city of Kyiv.

  • What is the closest subway station to the building at Street Yevgena Sverstuka, 11а city of Kyiv?

    Nearest subway station to address Street Yevgena Sverstuka, 11а is Livoberezhna, which is located at a distance of about 450 meters.