обл.KyivZadorozhny Lanenumber 3к2

Zadorozhny Lane, 3к2 in Kyiv

Kyiv, Zadorozhny Lane, 3к2
Holosiivska 480 м
50.394463 30.504577

businesses by address Zadorozhny Lane, 3к2 in Kyiv

In the building with the address Zadorozhny Lane, 3к2 in in city Kyiv, according to our data, are located and provide services three companies, among which: Business consulting, Organization of conferences and seminars, Tranings and other.

  • In which district city of Kyiv is the building at Zadorozhny Lane, 3к2?

    Building with the address Zadorozhny Lane, 3к2 located in Holosiivskyi district city of Kyiv.

  • What is the closest subway station to the building at Zadorozhny Lane, 3к2 city of Kyiv?

    Nearest subway station to address Zadorozhny Lane, 3к2 is Holosiivska, which is located at a distance of about 480 meters.