The facade of the building is not only its face, but also an important functional part that provides protection of the structure from the influence of external factors. Over time, the facade may lose its original appearance and functionality, and then there is a need for exterior restoration.

The main reasons to start the External Renovation of the building:

  • Physical wear and aging of materials. Over time, building materials are exposed to atmospheric conditions, which leads to their aging and wear. The formation of cracks, peeling of paint or plaster, corrosion of metal elements are signs that the facade needs restoration.
  • Mechanical damage. Buildings can suffer mechanical damage due to various reasons: strong wind, hail, impact of foreign objects (for example, falling tree branches), vehicle accidents, etc. Such damage can seriously affect the appearance and structural integrity of the facade.
  • Deterioration of thermal insulation properties. Old materials from which the facade is made can lose their thermal insulation properties, which leads to a decrease in the energy efficiency of the building. This increases heating costs in the winter and cooling costs in the summer. Restoration of the facade allows to update the thermal insulation properties of the building.
  • Influence of moisture and biological factors. Constant exposure to moisture, fungi, mosses and algae can significantly damage facade materials. Moisture penetrates into cracks and pores, contributing to the development of fungi and mold, which not only deteriorates the appearance of the building, but also poses a threat to the health of residents.
  • Aesthetic reasons. The facade of the building is its business card, so its appearance is important. A change in architectural trends, a desire to update the style or color scheme, and increase the prestige of the building can be reasons for restoring the facade.
  • Regulatory requirements and recommendations. In some cases, the restoration of the facade may be caused by the need to comply with modern building regulations and standards. This is especially true for historical buildings that have cultural and architectural value.

Advantages of a professional approach – find a reliable company

Renovation without a design project often leads to many problems, among which we can single out the most common ones, such as: loss of time and effort, disappointment, exceeding the budget, hacking, temporary inconveniences turn into permanent ones.

Instead, using a Dovo-H Construction professional design project will help avoid these problems. Here are a few reasons why you should contact specialists:

  1. Clear and competently developed documentation. A guarantee of perfect repair work.
  2. 3D visualization. Create, fill and adjust the design without any risk or additional costs.
  3. Saving money. Selection of equipment as efficiently as possible and in accordance with your budget, provision of agency discounts.
  4. Consistent professional control. Each stage of repair and construction works is under the close supervision of specialists.
  5. Compliance with planned deadlines. Design of the facade of the house

Choose your style

When choosing a style for the exterior, it is necessary to take into account the territorial location of the house, the exterior design of neighboring buildings, the expectations of the owner himself, and the harmony between the interior and exterior.

Exterior design development is a creative process that transforms ordinary facing materials into a work of art. Using imagination and experience, you can experiment with different styles, combining and complimenting them, creating unique buildings.

Popular facade design styles:

  • English style: Symmetry of planning, laconicism, simplicity and high-quality materials are harmoniously combined, giving the house an aristocratic look and a special sophistication.
  • American style: The decoration of the facade maximally reflects the wealth and nobility of the residents. The facade is formed by large columns, windows and symmetrical arches.
  • Scandinavian style: Simple and laconic decoration using natural materials. The main decor is huge windows that provide maximum lighting in the rooms. Sometimes glass half-timbered is used to create transparent walls.

Design of the facade of commercial real estate

The good appearance of offices, restaurants, cafes, shops, studios, business centers indicates success, attracts the attention of passers-by and increases the number of visitors. Materials for facade decoration should be of exceptionally high quality, and it is better to entrust the development of the project to professionals with experience.

The chosen building style should reflect the general idea of ​​the business. Most often, modern styles are chosen for the exterior of commercial real estate – minimalism, cubism, futurism, contemporary, fusion. The main thing is to emphasize your own uniqueness and keep up with the times.


Landscape design is designed to emphasize the architecture of the building, add coziness and make you want to look inside. The experience and knowledge of a landscape designer is aimed at creating harmony and beauty in combination with the benefits of using the infrastructure of buildings. From the alpine slide in the yard to the luxurious structures near the restaurant – any idea must be implemented competently, with an accurate calculation of building materials and decor, the correct choice of location, style and dimensions.

The project implementation process – how is everything happening?

The implementation of the project includes several stages, after each of which the customer is provided with a report on the work performed.

  • The first stage. Acquaintance, meeting, data collection, receipt of specifications, contract signing, 50% payment for the design project, start of work.
  • The second stage. 3D exterior development, concept, style and color solution, material specification, final stage of the design project with payment of the last 50%.
  • The third stage. Author’s supervision, control of work performance and compliance with specifications, repair work and staged payment.

By contacting a professional design studio, you can be sure of the quality and timeliness of the work, as well as the compliance of the result with your expectations and budgetary possibilities.