Ukraine has become one of the leading destinations for married couples seeking surrogacy arrangements, thanks to its clear legal framework, affordability, and high standards of medical care. Governed by specific legal provisions, Ukraine’s surrogacy laws ensure a smooth process for intended parents, protecting their rights from the very start of the surrogacy journey.

Legal framework

Surrogacy in Ukraine is governed by a series of laws, notably Article 123, Part 2 of the Family Code of Ukraine. This article regulates the affiliation of a child born through assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and surrogacy programs, ensuring that the intended parents are legally recognized as the child’s parents from the moment of conception. This legal clarity is a significant factor attracting couples from around the world.

Moreover, Article 139 of the Family Code of Ukraine, specifically Part 2, provides further protection to intended parents by prohibiting gestational carriers from contesting the maternal affiliation of the genetic mother. In other words, once the surrogacy contract is in place and the child is conceived, the intended parents’ legal rights are secure. This law ensures that the child is legally considered theirs, providing peace of mind throughout the process.

Expert support throughout the process

Agencies in Ukraine, collaborating with leading experts in surrogacy law, gynecology, reproductive endocrinology, andrology, and reproductive psychology, offer comprehensive support at every stage of the surrogacy process. This multidisciplinary approach helps ensure the highest chances of success while providing couples with confidence and trust throughout their journey.

Affordable surrogacy costs

One of the most appealing aspects of surrogacy in Ukraine is its affordability. Compared to countries like the United States, where the cost of surrogacy can be prohibitively high, surrogacy in Ukraine is up to 75% more affordable. The starting price for surrogacy programs in Ukraine is approximately $39,500, making it an attainable option for many couples.

Ukraine offers a range of surrogacy programs designed to meet various needs. Whether couples have pre-existing embryos created in their home country that need to be shipped to Ukraine, require an IVF cycle at a local clinic in Kyiv, or need an egg donor to complete the IVF process, Ukraine’s surrogacy services are flexible and comprehensive. Furthermore, international partnerships with shipping companies facilitate the transfer of embryos from abroad, ensuring a seamless process for intended parents.

Egg donation in Ukraine

Egg donation in Ukraine is legal and can be used in conjunction with surrogacy programs. All Ukrainian egg donors remain anonymous, and intended parents do not have the opportunity to meet them. However, the selection process for egg donors is rigorous. Donors undergo extensive testing to ensure they are suitable candidates, including evaluations of their ovarian reserve through AMH and antral follicle count tests, psychological assessments, and thorough medical screenings.

Donors must meet strict requirements as outlined in the Instruction on Procedures for ART, which includes:

  • being between 18 and 36 years old;
  • having at least one healthy child of their own (proven donors);
  • having no phenotypic defects;
  • maintaining satisfactory somatic and mental health;
  • being free of hereditary diseases;
  • not having any harmful habits such as drug addiction, alcoholism, or substance abuse;

These requirements ensure that egg donors are in excellent health and capable of contributing to successful surrogacy outcomes.

A streamlined process for Intended parents

From the initial screening of surrogates and donors to the implantation of embryos and ongoing pregnancy monitoring, Ukrainian surrogacy agencies strive to maintain the highest standards. Couples can expect thorough medical care and constant communication throughout the entire process, ensuring that they are well-informed and comfortable every step of the way.

For couples considering surrogacy, Ukraine presents a compelling option due to its strong legal protections, affordability, and comprehensive support systems. With expert guidance and a range of flexible programs available, surrogacy in Ukraine offers a viable path to parenthood for many families worldwide.