обл.KharkivStreet Druzhby Narodivnumber вулиця

Street Druzhby Narodiv, вулиця in Kharkiv

Kharkiv, Street Druzhby Narodiv, вулиця
Heroiv Praci 740 м
50.034726 36.353467

businesses by address Street Druzhby Narodiv, вулиця in Kharkiv


Garage cooperatives

Water delivery

Coffee houses

Vegetable shop

In the building with the address Street Druzhby Narodiv, вулиця in in city Kharkiv, according to our data, are located and provide services fifteen companies, among which: ATM, Library, Bakeries, Garage cooperatives, Water delivery, Coffee houses, Sausage shops, Vegetable shop, Parking, Bakery and other.

  • In which district city of Kharkiv is the building at Street Druzhby Narodiv, вулиця?

    Building with the address Street Druzhby Narodiv, вулиця located in Saltivskyi district (ex. Moskovskyi) city of Kharkiv.

  • What is the closest subway station to the building at Street Druzhby Narodiv, вулиця city of Kharkiv?

    Nearest subway station to address Street Druzhby Narodiv, вулиця is Heroiv Praci, which is located at a distance of about 740 meters.