Locator Kyiv Shoe repair atelier Solomyanskyi district Ремонт обуви и кожгалантерейных изделий

Ремонт обуви и кожгалантерейных изделий

+380 (96) 010-42-... show phone
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08:00-19:00 more
2020.12.01 Data updated
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Ремонт обуви и кожгалантерейных изделий

Ремонт обуви и кожгалантерейных изделий (Kyiv) - Shoe repair atelier, Clothing repair atelier located in Kyiv by address: Vatslava Gavela, 34, 34б, Vidradnyi, Solomyanskyi district, Right bank. Ремонт обуви и кожгалантерейных изделий provides such services: knife sharpening, fitting clothes according to the figure, leather clothing repair, leather products repair , and other.

today Ремонт обуви и кожгалантерейных изделий works on schedule: 08:00-19:00. This business has no reviews yet on Locator, but you can help other users by leaving a review if you have experience with this organization.

You can connect with Ремонт обуви и кожгалантерейных изделий by following telephone number: +380 (96) 010-42-78.

This company's data on Locator was updated 1254 days ago.