Locator Lviv Notaries Halytskyi district Notary Ambrosiichuk Liliya

Notary Ambrosiichuk Liliya

+380 (67) 916-72-... show phone
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Lviv, Street Panteleimona Kulisha, 41/4 вхід з вулиці Газова
day off more
2020.10.09 Data updated
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Notary Ambrosiichuk Liliya

Notary Ambrosiichuk Liliya (Lviv) - Notaries located in Lviv by address: Panteleimona Kulisha, 41/4, вхід з вулиці Газова, Halytskyi district, Downtown, Pidzamche, Klepariv. Notary Ambrosiichuk Liliya provides such services: making changes to documents, issuance of a document from the archive of a notary, issuance of a duplicate document, issuance of a certificate of inheritance, and other.

today Notary Ambrosiichuk Liliya works on schedule: day off. This business has no reviews yet on Locator, but you can help other users by leaving a review if you have experience with this organization.

You can connect with Notary Ambrosiichuk Liliya by following telephone number: +380 (67) 916-72-07(на этом номере есть: Viber, WhatsApp).

This company's data on Locator was updated 1310 days ago.