Locator Odesa Private clinics and medical centers МедикомPrymors'kyi Rayon Центр здоровья и красоты Медиком

Центр здоровья и красоты Медиком

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11:00-21:00 more
2023.02.25 Data updated
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Центр здоровья и красоты Медиком

Центр здоровья и красоты Медиком (Odesa) - Cosmetology, Private clinics and medical centers, Eyelash studio located in Odesa by address: Bazarna, 87, Centre, Prymors'kyi Rayon, Молдаванка. Центр здоровья и красоты Медиком provides such services: eyelash, eyebrow correction, hardware cosmetology, dermatology, and other. Also at the organization Центр здоровья и красоты Медиком has branches in other locations. Full list see here.

today Центр здоровья и красоты Медиком works on schedule: 11:00-21:00. This business has no reviews yet on Locator, but you can help other users by leaving a review if you have experience with this organization.

You can connect with Центр здоровья и красоты Медиком by following telephone number: +380 (48) 798-08-00, +380 (63) 810-42-75, +380 (98) 513-21-15.

This company's data on Locator was updated 443 days ago.