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50 Ice

+380 (44) 200-07-... show phone
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build route
Kyiv, Street Vadyma Hetmana, 6 блок А
03057 postal code
360 m to subway show
08:00-23:30 more
2024.03.27 Data updated
оцінка 4.0 from 5 based on 1 review
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  • phone not responding
  • no org here already
  • another mismatch
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1 review

50 Ice

Ice skating rink Arena 50 Ice - entertainment in Kyiv, near Shulyavska metro station
Festive atmosphere, laser show in the evenings and ice skating in the city of Kyiv - this is the most pleasant thing during the winter holidays. These days, everyone wants entertainment, for example, to go to the skating rink in Kyiv! Cosmo Multimall houses the best skating rink (Ice Arena) in Kyiv, created using the latest technologies and unique laser equipment for a laser show.

The skating rink near Shulyavska metro station in Kyiv has an area of 2,000 square meters, which allows you to freely skate, maneuver, and engage in figure skating with a coach. More than 240 people can skate at the Ice Arena expand


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Очень люблю посещать данное место. Оно идеально подходит, если вы ходите активно провести время. Каток достаточно большой. Рекомендую посетить.

50 Ice (Kyiv) - Icerink located in Kyiv by address: Vadyma Hetmana, 6, блок А, near subway Shulyavska, Shulyavka, Solomyanskyi district, Right bank. 50 Ice provides such services: skate sharpening.

today 50 Ice works on schedule: 08:00-23:30. According reviews on Locator this business has following rating 4.0 (as much as possible - 5), which is based on 1 reviews, and the last review was left 24-06-2019 (1784 days ago).

You can connect with 50 Ice by following telephone number: +380 (44) 200-07-50.

This company's data on Locator was updated 46 days ago.