LOOKING FOR WHOSE NUMBER +380 (50) 311-49-94?
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Locator is a marketplace of services nearby, as well as a huge database of companies that provide these services. We know to whom the phone number +380 (50) 311-49-94 belongs or belonged. See information about the number owner company below.


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Number writing formats possible for 0503114994

As a rule, there is no single standard for writing a phone number, and if there is, then few people follow it. Different countries may have different formats for writing numbers. Next, we show in which formats this number can be specified: 0503114994, 380503114994, 0(50)311-49-94, 0(50)311-4994


+380 (44) 383-50-... show phone
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build route
Kyiv, Street Ioanna Pavla II, 11 вход со двора напротив детской площадки (код 305# или 0#)
10:00-16:00 more
2023.11.24 Data updated
оцінка 5.0 from 5 based on 1 review
report about...
  • phone not responding
  • no org here already
  • another mismatch

Diagnostic Dentistry


Doctors reception and consultation



Maxillofacial Surgery


1 review


Aesthetic and implant dentistry.
The newest equipment, experienced doctors with experience of more than 10 years,
Dental implantation with various implant systems: Osstem, Bio-horizons, Alpha-bio, Straumann, Nobel, Anthogyr.
Cercon and E-max prosthetics. Veneers.
Dental treatment under the microscope.


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Очень доволен, что обратился именно в эту клинику! Полечили зуб качественно и недорого! Спасибо! теперь только сюда и буду ходить! Всем рекомендую!

StomatGarant (Kyiv) - Dental clinics, Orthodentist, Dentistry for children located in Kyiv by address: Ioanna Pavla II, 11, вход со двора напротив детской площадки (код 305# или 0#), Pechersk, Saperne Pole, Pecherskyi district, Right bank. StomatGarant provides such services: air-flow cleaning, ultrasonic tooth cleaning, teeth whitening, tooth canal hardware processing, and other.

today StomatGarant works on schedule: 10:00-16:00. According reviews on Locator this business has following rating 5.0 (as much as possible - 5), which is based on 1 reviews, and the last review was left 27-08-2020 (1360 days ago).

You can connect with StomatGarant by following telephone number: +380 (44) 383-50-50, +380 (97) 943-49-94(на этом номере есть: Viber, Telegram), +380 (50) 311-49-94(на этом номере есть: Viber, WhatsApp).

This company's data on Locator was updated 176 days ago.