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Locator Kyiv Notaries Svyatoshynskyi district Private notary Zabigailo Serhiy Yuriyovych

Private notary Zabigailo Serhiy Yuriyovych

+380 (50) 735-88-... show phone
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Kyiv, Street Hnata Yury, 9 Другий поверх, зі сходів ліворуч, до кінця коридору – двері з домофоном та табличкою “Нотаріус”
09:00-17:00 more
2021.02.23 Data updated
оцінка 5.0 from 5 based on 1 review
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1 review

Private notary Zabigailo Serhiy Yuriyovych

The main legislative act, which regulates the activity of notaries in the state, is the Law of Ukraine "About notaries". Yogo Art. 1 is the originator of the institute as a system of bodies and posadovyh individuals, on which the provisions of the law are laid down on the basis of the law and facts, which may be of legal significance and in the introduction of the notary legal process, transference to the law, At the Law, there is a change of notarial acts, such as the notaries.

The administration of notarial acts in Ukraine is to rely on notaries, which work in state notary offices, state notarial archives, or to engage in private notarial activity.

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Получил всестороннюю и исчерпывающую правовую помощь и консультацию касательно моего непростого вопроса с оформлением наследства. Доброжелательное отношение, теплая атмосфера, внимание на все 100%. Могу смело рекомендовать, теперь за решением всех нотариальных и сопутствующих вопросов только сюда! Все быстро и четко, и цены вменяемые. Очень рекомендую, и еще раз спасибо!!!

Private notary Zabigailo Serhiy Yuriyovych (Kyiv) - Notaries located in Kyiv by address: Hnata Yury, 9, Другий поверх, зі сходів ліворуч, до кінця коридору – двері з домофоном та табличкою “Нотаріус”, Mykilska Borschagivka, Borschagivka, Svyatoshynskyi district, Right bank. Private notary Zabigailo Serhiy Yuriyovych provides such services: alimony, apartments for rent, afidavit, lost documents re-issuance, and other.

today Private notary Zabigailo Serhiy Yuriyovych works on schedule: 09:00-17:00. According reviews on Locator this business has following rating 5.0 (as much as possible - 5), which is based on 1 reviews, and the last review was left 23-02-2021 (1172 days ago).

You can connect with Private notary Zabigailo Serhiy Yuriyovych by following telephone number: +380 (50) 735-88-27(на этом номере есть: Viber), +380 (44) 356-26-21.

This company's data on Locator was updated 1172 days ago.