LOOKING FOR WHOSE NUMBER +380 (68) 668-21-80?
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Number writing formats possible for 0686682180

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Es Bueno

+380 (68) 668-21-... show phone
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Kyiv, Avenue Beresteyskyi, 144 Проспект Победы 144
10:00-18:00 more
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2022.02.07 Data updated
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  • phone not responding
  • no org here already
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Hairdresser's services



Cosmetology services


Massage services

Hair dyeing

Eyebrows and eyelashes design

Hairdressing services for women

Hairdressing services for men

Permanent makeup


Hair care

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Es Bueno

Our beauty salon Es Bueno (Zhitomirskaya metro station, Akademgorodok) offers a whole range of services from a hairdressing salon, manicure, massage, cosmetology to eyelash extensions and tattooing.
Modern cosmetology is a science where hardware techniques, the knowledge of doctors and high-tech preparations are successfully combined
When choosing a haircut, you need to take into account - skin type, face shape, eye color, facial features, lifestyle and, of course, the wishes of the haircutter
Eyelash extension is a completely painless and safe procedure. You shouldn't be afraid of discomfort. You will rest and relax, and at this time the master will gently grow eyelashes
Massage is a expand

Es Bueno (Kyiv) - Beauty salon, Manicure salon, Eyelash and eyebrow lamination studios located in Kyiv by address: Beresteyskyi, 144, Проспект Победы 144, Bilychi, Svyatoshynskyi district, Right bank, Kyiv-Zhytomyr route, Dachna bus station. Es Bueno provides such services: female manicure, eyelash, women's haircut, children's haircut, and other.

today Es Bueno works on schedule: 10:00-18:00. This business has no reviews yet on Locator, but you can help other users by leaving a review if you have experience with this organization.

You can connect with Es Bueno by following telephone number: +380 (68) 668-21-80, +380 (93) 460-66-44(на этом номере есть: Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram).

This company's data on Locator was updated 832 days ago.