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Kyiv, Street Ioanna Pavla II, 11 вход со двора напротив детской площадки (код 305# или 0#)
09:00-20:00 more
2023.11.24 Data updated
оцінка 5.0 from 5 based on 1 review
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Diagnostic Dentistry


Doctors reception and consultation

Maxillofacial Surgery


1 review


Aesthetic and implant dentistry.
The newest equipment, experienced doctors with experience of more than 10 years,
Dental implantation with various implant systems: Osstem, Bio-horizons, Alpha-bio, Straumann, Nobel, Anthogyr.
Cercon and E-max prosthetics. Veneers.
Dental treatment under the microscope.


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Очень доволен, что обратился именно в эту клинику! Полечили зуб качественно и недорого! Спасибо! теперь только сюда и буду ходить! Всем рекомендую!

StomatGarant (Kyiv) - Dental clinics, Orthodentist, Dentistry for children located in Kyiv by address: Ioanna Pavla II, 11, вход со двора напротив детской площадки (код 305# или 0#), Pechersk, Saperne Pole, Pecherskyi district, Right bank. StomatGarant provides such services: air-flow cleaning, ultrasonic tooth cleaning, teeth whitening, tooth canal hardware processing, and other.

today StomatGarant works on schedule: 09:00-20:00. According reviews on Locator this business has following rating 5.0 (as much as possible - 5), which is based on 1 reviews, and the last review was left 27-08-2020 (1345 days ago).

You can connect with StomatGarant by following telephone number: +380 (44) 383-50-50, +380 (97) 943-49-94(на этом номере есть: Viber, Telegram), +380 (50) 311-49-94(на этом номере есть: Viber, WhatsApp).

This company's data on Locator was updated 161 days ago.